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Discover our extensive product portfolio for building automation. From the BACnet/SC controller to the B-AWS certified building control system OPENweb, you will find the right product for your individual project.


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Here you will find practical information and tips on classic building automation and modern smart buildings in a high-quality format.

Solutions Energy efficiency through building automation

Energy efficiency through building automation

How much can be saved by building automation?

The optimisation of heating costs in storage or operating facilities, in office and administrative buildings as well as in schools, health and care facilities offers a very large savings potential. This is because more than 65 percent of a building’s energy consumption comes from space heating.

With just one degree Celsius less in the room, you can save up to 6 percent energy. With the help of our complete solution for energy management, it is possible to save up to 40 percent energy in existing buildings. Find out now about possible energy savings through building automation!

Product highlights

From the combination of modern DEOS IoT / cloud solutions and classic I&C technology, the flexibility of wireless technology creates
LoRaWAN completely new usage scenarios:

The aim is to relieve the technical facility management, reduce costs and inspire building owners with new functions.

  • Geringe Kosten

    Low provision costs for the necessary infrastructure.

  • Hohe Sicherheit

    High security through encrypted data transmission.
  • Geringer Aufwand

    Hardly any cabling required for installation in the building.
  • Integration

    Simple and cost-effective integration of products in the existing building with operation in the pro.Buliding Suite.

  • Autarkes Heizkörperthermostat

    Energy-autonomous radiator thermostat thanks to thermogenerator.
  • Lange Batterielaufzeiten

    Long battery life with additional sensors of up to 10 years (depending on sensor type).
  • Hohe Reichweite

    High range and penetration in the building.
  • Modbus Protokoll

    Can be integrated via Modbus into the existing building automation system. But existing controller types from other manufacturers can also be converted via Modbus. The Mobdus protocol is also an option compared to the cloud.

  • Networking example graphic

    Savings potential in building automation - networking example

    DEOS TEO optimises buildings – The difference to Smart Home solutions

    DEOS TEO is the professional solution for buildings. It differs in many ways from the mass-produced smart home products. The LoRaWAN radio penetration, for example, speaks for the use of DEOS TEO in the professional sector. Also convincing are the solid design of the metal housing, the self-charging through the patented thermogenerator, the optional vandalism protection, but also the cost-effective construction of the LoRaWAN network infrastructure. The DEOS solution also offers standard building automation protocols. Via Modbus, Rest-API, MQTT and CAFM interfaces, DEOS TEO and the entire LoRaWAN solution for buildings can be integrated into an existing building management system in a manufacturer-neutral manner. The DEOS solution is therefore not an isolated solution from the consumer world: everything can be combined with existing building technology.

    The difference between Smart Home and Smart Building

    The integrated solution:

    Optimisation of the heating regulation:

    DEOS TEO is an advanced radiator thermostat that controls to the set room temperature. The programmable functions of the thermostat allow heating times and temperatures to be adjusted individually. This ensures that the heating is only in operation when it is really needed. This leads to considerable savings in heating costs, especially due to the night setback directly at the radiator and the switch-off at the weekend.

    Networked control and monitoring:

    The LoRaWAN Gateway acts as a direct interface between the DEOS TEO and the pro.Building Suite IoT platform. It enables wireless networking of the thermostats and integration into the building automation system. This allows you to centrally control and monitor the heating and other devices. For example, you can individually set the heating in different zones or rooms and thus optimise energy consumption.

    Energy monitoring and data analysis:

    The DEOS TEO offers a wide range of analysis options that can be visualised via the pro Building Suite IoT platform. An overview of the operation of the heating system can be gained through the visualisation. With the continuous recording of the room temperature and the flow temperatures of the radiator, deeper analyses of the heating system can take place. This enables the most energy-efficient building operation possible.

    Energy efficiency measures:

    With the help of the IoT platform, you can create automated processes and scenarios to further reduce energy consumption. For example, you can control heating based on presence data or create schedules to reduce heating outside business hours. In addition, you can also integrate other measures to increase energy efficiency such as the control of lighting or ventilation systems into your building automation.

    By combining DEOS TEO and the pro.Building Suite, you can fully exploit the savings potential in building automation. They enable precise heating control, networked control and monitoring, energy monitoring and the implementation of measures to increase energy efficiency. This allows you to reduce energy consumption, lower operating costs and at the same time contribute to climate and environmental protection.

    Increase economic efficiency:

    As a building operator, you are always looking for a way to reduce costs and increase profitability: Energy efficiency is the keyword here. The various areas in your office and administration buildings, such as individual offices and meeting rooms, IT server rooms, media technology or canteens, place special demands on the building automation. It is precisely in these requirements that there is enormous potential for savings. Our building automation solutions provide you with an overview of the current energy consumption and optimally exploit the existing savings potential. For example, they ensure that a conference room or an individual office is only tempered and lit when the rooms are actually being used, or that the ventilation system in the canteen is turned down outside peak hours. This is how we ensure efficient energy use in your office and administration buildings.

    Make use of subsidies:

    Parts of building automation are eligible for funding in Germany. Since January 2021, the BAFA (Federal Office of Economics and Export Control) has had a funding programme called BEG (Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings). Eligible for funding here are individual building automation measures such as smarthome controllers, elements for room temperature control or elements for ventilation automation. Further information and a list of eligible components can be found here.


    Interest aroused?

    Then contact us! We’re glad to help.