Energy efficiency through building automation
How much can be saved by building automation?
The optimisation of heating costs in storage or operating facilities, in office and administrative buildings as well as in schools, health and care facilities offers a very large savings potential. This is because more than 65 percent of a building’s energy consumption comes from space heating.
With just one degree Celsius less in the room, you can save up to 6 percent energy. With the help of our complete solution for energy management, it is possible to save up to 40 percent energy in existing buildings. Find out now about possible energy savings through building automation!
Product highlights
From the combination of modern DEOS IoT / cloud solutions and classic I&C technology, the flexibility of wireless technology creates
LoRaWAN completely new usage scenarios:
The aim is to relieve the technical facility management, reduce costs and inspire building owners with new functions.
Networking example graphic
DEOS TEO optimises buildings – The difference to Smart Home solutions
DEOS TEO is the professional solution for buildings. It differs in many ways from the mass-produced smart home products. The LoRaWAN radio penetration, for example, speaks for the use of DEOS TEO in the professional sector. Also convincing are the solid design of the metal housing, the self-charging through the patented thermogenerator, the optional vandalism protection, but also the cost-effective construction of the LoRaWAN network infrastructure. The DEOS solution also offers standard building automation protocols. Via Modbus, Rest-API, MQTT and CAFM interfaces, DEOS TEO and the entire LoRaWAN solution for buildings can be integrated into an existing building management system in a manufacturer-neutral manner. The DEOS solution is therefore not an isolated solution from the consumer world: everything can be combined with existing building technology.
The integrated solution:
The combination of the DEOS TEO radiator thermostat and the pro.Building Suite IoT platforme, as well as the DEOS SAM room air light, offers great savings potential in building automation. Through intelligent control and monitoring functions, they enable efficient use of energy and resources in residential and office buildings.